Friday, June 26, 2009

Don't need anything more, crying with joy!

"Life is good when children sing their summer song of play and sleep deep from an exhausting day."

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Summer has Arrived at the Funny Farm

I can now say that summer has arrived at the Funny Farm. Tonight I was home cutting the grass after work and looking forward to jumping in the pool to cool off. The sounds of summer at our house were presenting themselves in force. The mower was going, little girls were running around making noises of joy that only they can make and Suzanne was cooking dinner to be brought out pool side. The best part was when it got dark out and we turned on the underwater pool light and the Christmas lights hanging on the fence around the pool. I sat there by the water listening to Sydney, Erin and Jessica romp around in the water like seals in the ocean. Diving and surfacing, looking for one another, pouncing on anyone that may have let their guard down and slipping away just as fast. Their little bodies sliding through the water effortlessly, moving like only children can move, like their bodies where as light as air, weightless in the water, and throwing shadows all around the pool bottom and the trees above. Then to add to the summer scene where the lighting bugs blinking through the air and the hundreds of spring peepers singing their love song. 
Life is good when children sing their summer song of play and sleep deep from an exhausting day. Now I must carry each one of them up to bed. A true labor of love, for each day they get heavier and trip harder but one no parent ever wants to not be able to perform.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Escape from Sowlcatraz

So I get a call from Kass on my way home from work asking how far away from home I am? I asked why and she said that mom needs me home right a way because the pigs broke out of their pen!  I still had half an hour to go so Suzanne was on her own. It takes a truly strong woman to take on four, hundred pounds or more pigs and three screaming kids in the rain and mud. Apparently the pigs were all over the place when she pulled in the driveway after work and they had no intention of going back into their pen or anywhere Suzanne and the girls wanted them to. In the end, Suzanne said the pigs got tired and decided to return to their pen all on their own. Moral of the story: over build everything and marry a strong woman! I have a strong one and yesterday was our twenty year anniversary.