Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Painting the Barn Roof for Solar Panels

We had the barn and long shed roofs painted today and they look great. The color is hard to see but it is a hunter green. Kind of on the dark side. I wanted to get the roof a sealed up and painted before we had the solar panels installed. The solar project will reduce our electric bill to zero and may even provide some extra electricity back to PECO. If there is a positive balance then PECO has to write me a check and they better not be late!!! The painting of the roof is also one of the main steps to building the winery. Now that the house has much improved in livability it is time to concentrate on the winery. A very exciting time, putting things in the barn instead of tearing them out. Here are a few photos of the men painting the roof.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

We bought a small sailboat over the weekend to take to deep creek with us this summer. A very nice little boat, will hold all the girls and me and suzanne. A good skill to have in your basket of tricks.
Solar is on the way

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Morrison Bon Fire 2010

Every one loves to sit around a roaring fire!! The other weekend we finally torched the bon fire waiting for over a year in our back meadow. It was great to sit around the fire with family and friends and swap some stories about kids and work and all the things we spend our time doing. The best thing of all is that we were all together having fun. The great thing about living on a farm is that you can do things like have a huge bon fire or ride four wheelers or shoot a gun. Things that society generally frowns upon. It brings me back to a time when things were much simpler and we were kids with very few rules or restrictions.
To simpler things that make us feel good!!!!!

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